The CC3301MOD is still in preview so the datasheet may still be updated in the future. However, it can be found here: https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cc3301mod.pdf
The underlying device is the CC3301 and you can find the datasheet for the CC3301…
Part Number: CC3301MOD
We have started using CC3301MOD together with a MCU and RTOS, therefore we have downloaded your "cc33xx_mcu_package_R5.exe".
But it says "PREVIEW" when downloading. So is this something which can be used…
Hi Christoph,
I can not publicly share development timelines on this forum. If you are able to contact a TI field representative, we can discuss those preliminary timelines.
Part Number: CC3301MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3301 Tool/software: Dear expert,
Do we have porting guide for the ARM-based MCU to support CC3301?
Best Regards,
Eric Chen
Part Number: CC3235MODASF Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3501 , CC3301MOD Tool/software: Hello,
from today's point of view, does it make sense to start a WiFi development with the TI module CC3235MODASF or is it better to rely on a combination of…