Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS40428 Hi team
We found that the datasheet of CSD95378 is quite simple, it even doesn't include the introduction of current sensing and temperature sensing, do you have detailed materials of…
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS40428 Hello
is a design with the tsp40428 I gave an input voltage of 5.25 to the converter and the power stage vdd.
after start up the output voltage (0.85)fell and would not start again . It…
Part Number: CSD95372BQ5M Hi Sir,
we plan to replace CSD95372 with CSD95378, due to shortage issue,
we know that TAO is difference, but is there problem? any risk?
thnaks for your help.
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Hi support team,
Please answer a couple of questions regarding CSD95378BQ5M and other CSD9xxxx ICs:
1. Why is the output voltage restricted to 5.5 V? What happens if it is powered from a 12 V supply, and the duty cycle is set…
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS40428 Hello,
I don't have TPS40428 EVM.
I would like to know state/voltage of Vsw pin of CSD95378B when TPS40428 is not powered up i.e. no 12V to VDD of TPS40428, but 12V to VDD and 5V to…
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS40428 Hi teams,
We use TPS40428+CSD95378BQ5M in our product,now we met some problem,
1、Set 5V output, the result is 0.6V.
2、Set 3.3V output, the result is 2V.
3、Both PWM have no waveform.
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5MC Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD95378BQ5M , Hi,
A customer of mine is using already the CSD95378BQ5M in a design. They wonder what are the main differences with the CSD95378BQ5M C ?
Can they use the CSD95378BQ5M C as a direct replacement…
Part Number: TPS40428 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD95378BQ5M Hi Team,
My customer is looking at implementing the TPS40428 for a 60A 1V design.
They have tested out the TPS40428 EVM with the CSD95378BQ5M and are seeing that the current calibration…
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV760 Hi,
Please let me know what is drive current requirement for VDD and EN pins.
Also provide me the logic 0 and 1 voltage levels for EN pins. I checked the datasheet and they are not provided…
Part Number: CSD95378BQ5M Hi,
My customer is planning to use the CSD95378BQ5M and would like to know the max Vdd current in order to size their 5V supply accordingly. I do not see a spec for this or gate charge on the ds. How much Vdd current should they…