Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC3162EVM , FMC-ADC-ADAPTER , DAC3162 , CDCP1803 Hello, we are trying to create a sine and cosine wave from an fpga evaluation board ( virtex6 ML605 evluation board). We bought the DAC6132EVM and the FMC adaptor for it because…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCP1803 , DAC3162 My hardware setup is currently a Xilinx SP605 evaluation board to TI FMC-DAC Adapter Rev D to TI DAC 3162 EVM Rev B.
Goal is to create a clock from the SP605, output on J39 or J40 (these are SMA outputs…
Part Number: TSW1406EVM Dear community,
I've seen other question about asking the files for different EVM but they are all closed or they provide broken links to solutions.
We want to design a single board that combines TSW1405EVM, TSW1406EVM, A…
Part Number: DAC3162 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , THS3217 , OPA694 Dear community,
I'm designing a board and i wanted to use the DAC3162 to generate a single ended output between 0V and 1V to feed into a 50Ohm load. I have never worked with DAC…
Part Number: TSW1406EVM Hi support,
I'have got a TSW1406 and a DAC3152EVM board. I wanted to try the pattern generator but unfortunately, based on releases notes, the TSW1406 support only the DAC3162.
Unfortunately the DAC3162EVM was not available…
Part Number: DAC3164EVM Kindly see the Schematics of the DAC3164EVM and FMC-DAC Adapter Card (Both are TI make).
Also, see the DAC3162EVM Schematics.
The Webpage of both the EVMs' (DAC3164EVM and the DAC3162EVM) say that they are compatible with the FMC…
Part Number: ADS5463EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC3161EVM , FMC-DAC-ADAPTER , DAC3161 , ADS5463 , CDCM7005 , DAC3162EVM What is needed to connect these 2 Evms without an fpga ?
I need to connect them as a proof of concept with a simple connector…
The customer asked the following questions in response to your last question:
It seems customer is feeding Matlab code to DAC then to ADC. When he bypasses the DAC and ADC to check sanity, he directly feeds matlab code to his phase computation software…
If you have a DAC3162EVM and a TSW1400EVM, you should be able to send a duplicated 10MHz test pattern to both channels and observe the outputs from both on an oscilloscope to observe the delay between the signals. If you do not, we can take this…