Part Number: DAC5672-EP Tool/software: I am completing a design that uses the DAC5672-EP.
On page 4 on the datasheet there is a reference to a power pad :
Part Number: DAC5672 Tool/software: Hello Team,
we want to generate a 600Hz sine wave output by using :channel-A of DAC5672 & channel B is unused. the code is generated by FPGA. The FPGA provides generates digital codes to DAC5672 as below.
Part Number: DAC5672-EP Hi expert,
If TX is only going to use as BPSK mode, should the DAC settings for DB0~DB13 all be set to 0?
Are there any other settings I need to be aware of?
Part Number: DAC5672-EP Hi team,
i want to use single channel.( use ch A )
what do i do with unused channel? (how to connect with WRTB, CLKB, IOUB and ETC)
Part Number: DAC5672 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCE62005 Hi Ti Team
There is a high second harmonic at the output of DAC5672 .in the below picture DAC Sampling rate is 210MSPS and fdata=71MHz .as seen, the 2 nd harmonic is 47dbm. Please suggest…
Part Number: DAC5672-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC5672 Hi expert,
My customer use a DAC5672-EP with filter LT6600-10, need some suggestion about the circuit design.
Q1. Because the output range of DAC5672 and input range of LT6600-10 are different…
Part Number: DAC5672
Hello team,
My customer considers DAC5672 in their design however they concern if FPGA can drive input interface(3.3V, 275Mbps/pin) appropriately.
Their minimum requirement is 250Msps.
DAC5672's Tsu and Th is 1ns and CLK cycle of…
Part Number: ADS62C15 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC5672 , , ADC3422 , ADC3224 , ADC3644
Hi TI supporter, I am looking for the ADC 125 Msps include 2 channel /chip with parallel interface (at least 12 bits). And the DAC up to 250 Msps…
Part Number: DAC5672 Hi, I am using DAC5672 part in my custom board, providing the digital data input to the DAC from the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA.
14-bit Sine Wave digital data is fed to the DAC from FPGA.
The DAC is used in Dual Bus mode, only Channel A…