Part Number: DAC7311 Tool/software: Good morning,
I need to use several DAC on my schematic but I have only one free SPI-Bus, so I will use differents CS pin for each DAC.
When the SYNC signal is put high after 16 clock, does the output keep its le…
Part Number: DAC7311 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , ADC161S626 Tool/software: I'm trying to use TINA-TI to simulate a 12 bit dac similar to Precision DAC SPICE Models ( , but there is no 12-bit signal generator. I was thinking then…
Part Number: DAC7311 Hello,
My customer is seeing ~100mV of overshoot when changing the output code from 0V to 630mV. They have a 1µF cap on AVDD and a 47kΩ resistor from VOUT to ground. They asked if this is normal behavior and what can they do to minimize…
Part Number: DAC7311 About 7.5 Electrical Characteristics "Capacitive load stability" of DACx311 datasheet,
It is noted that the value is typ 1000pF when RL=2k Ω .
Then, couldn ’ t we see your reference circuit design fig to know where…
Part Number: DAC7311 Hello TI team,
I am using DAC7311 in my design, and the DAC output sources a 100µF capacitor and a variable load.
My question is what happens to the DAC output current when a large load is applied to its output - the output…
Part Number: DAC7311 Hello team,
The customer has one PCB designed from years ago which has the DAC7311 digital input signal at 3.3V while the AVDD is 2.5V. This is violating the absolute the maximum ratings listed in the datasheet; however the PCB has…
Part Number: DAC7311 Hello,
As the title says i am looking for a shift register to use for a simulation on TINA TI.
The reason i'm looking for this is because i am having issues with the SPI signal generator and want to force some values on a DAC7311…
Hello TI,
We have below TI DAC driver from the kernel path "drivers/iio/dac/",
ti-dac082s085.c ti-dac5571.c ti-dac7311.c ti-dac7612.c
Which driver will you recommend us to take as reference to customize for DAC60508,
Thank you,