Hi Stefano,
The ripple and noise may come from the switching frequency and load transient.
From my understanding, DAC7716 will only draw a few mA. If this is the case, the switching ripple should be dominating.
You may refer to TPS55340EVM-017 user's…
Dear Mr. Sahu,
We found a mistake in our code, which solved the problem. Now, every port is working.
Your comments were very helpful during the process.
Best Regards,
Aeishwarya Baviskar
Part Number: DAC7716 Hi support team,
Regarding power supply of DAC7716, is there a possibility of destruction of the IC when applying voltage as follows? · AVDD - AGND : +15 V · AVSS - AGND : -15 V · DVDD-DGND : No supply (Normally added …
Hi Pieter,
The main reason why the design has not implemented it straight is that the daisy read-back is not part of the spec and over the years we never got any customer request to implement it. Hence, the fundamental tendency of a designer is to tune…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7716 Dear Sir,
I am not getting analog volgate variation at Vout-0,1,2,3 pin. always getting 0V. Please tell me the reason .Iam sharing my code tell me were is the problem,My ref voltage is +5V. IAm sharing my code kindly…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7716 Hi,
The SPI port is working and I am able to read & write the command register, the input data registers and the monitor register. The outputs on power up are: CH0=CH2=CH3=~12.5V, CH1=~0V. I have test code that…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7716 Hi,
I am investigating a problem which we have using the DAC7716. The problem we see is, that controlling the DAC depends on the capacitive load on the MOSI line. As the signal integrity of all lines is very good…
Hi Matjaz,
Matjaz Tome said: So if I don't use power sequencyng and just reset the DAC with RST pin some time after power up I sholud be ok?
This depends on the device. I do not know the answer for the DAC7716. The datasheet does not mention this…