Part Number: DAC7811 Tool/software: Hi tI experts,
My customer want to use DAC to output a 200kHz Sine signal, amplitude is 5V. They also need 12bit resolution.
Is DAC7811 suitable for this case? Do you have any other recommandation?
By the way, what…
Part Number: DAC7811 Tool/software: Hi team,
It's mentioned in ds that the Iout2 Pin usually connected to GND of system. Why in the application section, it's connected to the output of the OPA? Thanks!
Part Number: DAC7811 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8811 , DAC8801 Tool/software: Hi,
Customer want to replace AD5446.
Do we have suitable devices to replace AD5446?
DAC7811 is 12Bit, do we have 14 Bit devices?
Thank you
Yishan Chen
Part Number: DAC7811 Hi there.
I am trying to build the Vref generation circuit as given on the datasheet of DAC7811 fig. 29 Positive voltage output circuit. I am using a +2.5V ref generator IC from Analog devices - only because it was ready there in…
Part Number: DAC7811 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PSPICE-FOR-TI , Dear Product line engineer:
one thing need your supporting as below.
I use Pspice-for-TI to do simulation for supporting customer and need use DAC7811. then I'm a little puzzle for pin…
Hi Sreekanth ,
It's highly unlikely that gain will change with Vin. Can you please provide the some more detail :
1. Vin vs Vout (at the IOUT node) table/plot
2. VDD node voltage, R2/R71 values.
Part Number: DAC7811 Hi team,
When only one device is used and the daisy chain is not required, does the command, "Daisy-chain disable" need to be sent?
Noriyuki Takahashi
Part Number: DAC7811 Hi, we're currently using the DAC7811 in the typical "Single Supply Unipolar Multiplying DAC" configuration. We'd like to update the design to use a 3.3V supply while being able to shut off the 5V / VREF supplies to save power. Are…
Part Number: DAC7811 dear product line engineer.
could you please help to find someone in your team who can help me to create a Pspice model for DAC7811. my customer use this parts in their new design and I need to do some simulation to help customer…
Part Number: DAC7811 We are using DAC7811 in a new design in daisy chain mode. 32 bits in one sequence.
There are certain data pattern that lead to "freezing" the DAC7811. After sending these pattern the DAC will not accept any further data. The output…