Part Number: DAC81001
I am using an FPGA development board to communicate with a DAC81001 board via SPI. The DAC can read and write normally. However, when changing the DAC register values, I find that the voltage on the OUT…
Part Number: DAC81001 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC91001 , DAC11001B Hello,
I want to generate a sinusoidal signal with a high SINAD between frequencies 100Hz to 20kHz. For that reason I found DAC81001 ( DAC91001 and DAC1001 are also fine). When…
Part Number: DAC82002 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8830 , DAC81001 Tool/software: Hi,
I'm in the process for selecting a proper DAC for our application. I'd like to optimize for lowest possible noise between 0.1 -- 150 Hz. DAC82002 is one candidate…
Hi Uri,
Can you consider the DAC11001A for this application? If 20 bits is more resolution than required, consider the DAC80501 or the DAC81001/91001.
Hi Dragan,
DAC70508 , 14 bit, 8 channel - noise density 50nV/rHz @ 1kHz G=1 and internal reference
DAC70004, 14 bit , 4 channel - noise density 60nv/rHz @ 1kHz, and external reference.
TI had recently released very low noise device DACx1001 family with…
Hi Vitor,
You cannot bypass the filter on the PCM1789. You can on some other devices in the PCM179x family, like the PCM1792A.
You could also look at some of our precision DACs, like an MDAC (DAC8811) or unbuffered R-2R DAC11001A (DAC81001, DAC91001)…
Hi Shibin,
I suggest going with DAC81001/DAC8811 for this application.
Between do you have any other requirements like Distortion, Noise etc. for this sine wave output? For what application you are generating this 10Khz sine wave? Any package constraints…
Hi Chris,
Point noted, will definitely add cross reference to settling time.
For now, if you are looking for 16bit DAC with less than 2.5uS, you can have a look at DAC81001, DAC8871 or DAC8830, these are unbuffered voltage output DAC's.
All DAC's…