Part Number: DAC81416 Tool/software: Dear Sir/Madam,
We are having a problem while using DAC81416. We are trying to read its device ID and none of the time we are reading it. When we send a command to read Device ID as: 0x810000, the readback from DAC…
Part Number: DAC81416 Tool/software: Hi, I was wondering if I could request some more details on the topology or even a block diagram of how differential mode works? I am wondering if a single DAC output is used to generate the differential outputs via…
Part Number: DAC81416-08EVM Tool/software: Hello,
I am using DAC81416-08EVM so I need to use its output from J15--->OUT7,J16--->OUT8,J14--->OUT5,J11--->OUT4, so I need to solder that component on the board so please give me the part number of that particular…
Part Number: DAC81416 Tool/software: Dear TI Support,
I am a user of the DAC81416, and while basic functions such as voltage output and range settings are working as expected, I am encountering some issues that require assistance.
SYNC Mode Settin…
Part Number: DAC81416-08EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY Tool/software: HI,
I have a setup that uses the DAC81416EVM connected to a PC through the USB2ANY card.
I want to be able to control the DAC outputs using my own software script ideally…
Part Number: DAC81416 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC81401 Tool/software: Hi
We are using DAC81416 Digital to analog IC in one of our designs. We are not able to locate the Linux device driver for DAC81416. Please can you help us with the right device…
Part Number: DAC81416 Tool/software: Hi,
I soldered a DAC81416 to a breakout board in order to test it. When I power it on (V_DD = V_AA = V_IO = 5V, V_CC = 9.5V, V_SS = 0V), the ALMOUT pin is pulled low. Triggering the RESET pin does not help - it goes…
Dharani, Please send the following measurement data and details- 1. Measured values of supply voltages for VCC,VSS, VDD and VIO 2. Captured oscilloscope waveform for all four SPI signals for SPICONFIG reg 3. To check if this device is fake, take a clear image…