Part Number: DAC81416 Tool/software: Figure 8.4 shows the serial communication patter for streaming. In it, the additional 16 bit values follow directly after the normal 24 bit communication frame. This is where the CRC would go in the 32 bit communication…
Part Number: DAC81416 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC60704 Hello,
While looking for DACs suitable for a bias controller circuit in an I/Q optical modulator, I found this application note…
Part Number: DAC81416 I can write and read from DEVID, and write to SPICONFIG and verify the value by reading it back. I can also enable the internal voltage reference and verify 2.5V at the output. So the SPI communication is definitively OK.
But when…
Part Number: DAC81416 Hi team,
We have following tdacwait spec listed as below and the value is 2.4us.
How to understand this sequential DAC update and the following sychronous update delay.
Seems it's different results: 2.4us vs 1us.
Could you pls…
Part Number: DAC81416 Hi team,
My customer want to use our DAC81416, and for our ext reference mode, and they want the FSR could be more suitable for their application.Here are serveral question want to confirm with you.
We have Vrefin spec in our EC…
Part Number: DAC81416 Hi all,
I have a question on the voltage of REFCMP pin. As it is configured using internal reference, we got a voltage of 1.8V, isn't this supposed to be 2.5V? And when it is configrued using external 2.5V reference, this pin has…
Part Number: DAC81416 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF5025 Good afternoon,
I am trying to use an Arduino MEGA and the SPI protocol to control the DAC outputs. I have all of the power inputs correctly powered according to the test points so I suspect…
Part Number: DAC81416 Datasheet says the minimum reccomended operating Vcc is 9V, however it also says that the absolute minimum can go lower.
What would happen if I operated this device from +/-6V - what other specifications would be affected?
I see…