Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DXP Dear Buddy:
Would you please check my SCH file? And met output liner voltage error.
Or tell me how to control DIN/SCLK/SYNC waveform?
Part Number: TIPD125 I'm working with a TIPD125 evaluation board populated with all recommended components from the application note (SLAU525).
I've hooked the board up to a Teensy 3.6 for SPI comms and have correctly connected a +/-15V supply to…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-F28377S Hello TI community,
I am currently trying to communicate to the DAC8560 ( http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/dac8560.pdf with my TMS320F28377S via SPI. The problem I am having is that the F28377S SPI shift register is 16 bits…
Part Number: DAC1220 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 , DAC11001A Hi Team,
Hope everything goes well. One customer were facing a problem while using our DAC1220.
Q: when system power up, it will takes 100ms for MCU(F2803x) to wake up. Before F28035…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 , LM358 Hi,
We are following the reference design "Bipolar +/-10V Analog Output from a Unipolar Voltage
Output DAC" from TI for using DAC8560 with OPAMP. In our circuit the following changes we have done…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 I planned to use DAC8560 DAC in my board. It has internal voltage reference of 2.5V and Vref pin is provided to source external reference. In spec sheet Vref pin description is mentioned as voltage input or output…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 , DAC8560EVM I am using a TMS320F28335eZdsp to communicate with DAC8560 EVM.
The connection are:
GPIO19_SPISTAn----->DAC8560EVM's J2-7 SYNC
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 Hello,
The datasheet for the DAC8560 states a power-up time of 2.5us from power-down when operating from 5V and 5us when operating from 3V; however, the power-down time is not specified. Is the time from full po…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 I have a DAC8560 on 2 prototype PCBs.
They both behave the same, VREF is putting out, but the DAC output does not no matter what code is sent to it.
I have verifed the SPI inputs with logic analyzer an oscope.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8560 Hello,
I bought the DAC8560 EVM board. I plotted the output analog profile for the input codes from 0 to 65535 with the step of 15. I have get a completely nonlinear output. In fact it seems like for the majority…