Part Number: DAC8803 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIPD159 , , , OPA192 Hello,
From my understanding, the DAC8803 is a multiplying DAC and needs an opamp to get the voltage output. After studying the DAC8803/14 EVM user guide and schematic, and the TIPD159…
Part Number: DAC8803
Hello all,
I would like to use the DAC8803 to output analog voltage. Looking at the user guide and application note, I see that the Iout and Rfb pins are connected to opamps, but I do not understand why.
Can anyone please explain…
Part Number: DAC8803 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8814 Hi,
I would like to use the DAC8803 in a new design and I need to be able to clock it with at least 40MHz from an FPGA.
The datasheet's title page's Feature lists says the DAC8803 is compatible…
Part Number: DAC8803 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7811 I am confused about the polarity of Vref and output current. If I want to have both positive and negative current output, does that means I need to switch between positive and negative Vref…
Hi all, Please let me know about tolerance of internal resistor. I finded the 5-kohm +/-20% tolerance of internal resistor from datasheet.
I have a question. This tolerance to apply for each channels? Or internal resistores are same value and include the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1664 Hello,
I am using the 14 bit multiplying DAC in an audio application and a fine part it is too by golly.
However I am not realizing the full attenuation at 20 KHz that the graph on page 10 of my data sheet
Part Number: DAC8814 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8803 , DAC80508 , OPA388 Hi everyone,
I was looking for a solution to test multiple DC regulated rails (from 0.8V to 4V) using a current output DAC. The current output would essentially serve as a…
Just an update, in case someone runs into this thread: I bought the DAC8803 EVM and was able to connect it over spi with a STM32F407 (STM32F4 discovery board), and it ran without problems.
Thanks for the recommendation, Jim.
Hi Rick,
I know this thread has grown a bit stale, but I just found it searching and wanted to chime in my interest as well.
Right now we're working on a new design, part of which uses R-2R MDACs (the DAC8801 / DAC8803 specifically) in a digitally-controlled…
I can provide you with the Gerber files for the same. I don't have any 3D model for the EVM as these are very old parts.