Part Number: AWR2243BOOST
This post is in continuation to my previous post - AWR2243BOOST: SPI Connection Issue while using DCA1000EVM for data capture . Unfortunately, that post is locked and I cannot post any replies there.
As mentioned…
Part Number: AWR2243BOOST Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM Tool/software: Hi all,
Recently I have been using mmwave studio for the detection of objects in front of radar kit AWR2243B & DCA1000EVM which is placed within 1 meter.
Now in order…
TI_DCA1000EVM_CLI_Software_UserGuide.pdf commands are for the two DCA1000 executables that mmWaveStudio uses which is still up to date. Any and all of our DCA1000 capture tools are based around the usage of the two executables DCA1000EVM_CLI_Control…
Part Number: AWR6843ISK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM , Tool/software: Hello, I'm Sungho Cho, a graduate student of UCLA.
I'm now using Matlab to get ADC raw data from AWR6843ISK and DCA1000EVM to make a real-time demo of range-distance…
Part Number: DCA1000EVM Tool/software: Hello everyone, I have already installed mmwstudio_02_01_01_00 on a laptop -- without any problems. Now I try to install the program on another PC and I always get the following error message:
I have already tried…
Part Number: DCA1000EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843BOOST , Tool/software: I use AWR1843BOOST + DCA1000EVM and want to see radar target images. I do not have MATLAB.
I have three questions.
(1) Can I use "mmWave Demo Visualizer" to view radar…
Part Number: AWR6843ISK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM , , MMWAVEICBOOST Tool/software: Hello, TI team,
We are trying to get radar streaming data using 3 Tx antenna. But there are some problems.
1. Streaming speed is too low.
I think this problem…
Hi Niladri,
Here is an example of quadratic interpolation around the peak (after Azimuth FFT) -
You can take this as reference to implement interpolation in MATLAB.
Niladri Roy said: I hope that the code has zero padding in order to increase the resolution…
Part Number: DCA1000EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843ISK Tool/software: Hi.
I am using OOB Demo and DCA1000EVM CLI to acquire ADC data from TI IWR6843ISK. I am using the below configuration for the recording