Part Number: DCH010512D For DCH010512D, do we need a minimum load to get stable output?
We use it to drive 4-20mA, however at no load, its output can get up to >37V.
Part Number: DCH010512D Hello All,
I would like to connect a filter using a ferrite bead- capacitor combinations recommended by the TI as shown in the datasheet (pg: 13/22).
But I cant find the ferrite- bead with inductance as parameter in the digikey…
Part Number: DCH010512D
My customer is considering to connect an output capacitor such as following picture for noise reduction.
Is this connecting allowed?
Best Regards,
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCH010505S , DCH010512D Do we HAVE 2w ISOLATED dc/dc MODULE WITH 3kvp2p/5kvdc ISOLATION?, vIN=12v, FOR ONE OUTPUT 5v AND ONE WITH DUAL 12v OUTPUT