Part Number: DCP022405 The datasheet states 3.0V is a maximum working SYNC voltage, but app note that is linked in the synchronization section of the datasheet also has a diagram where 3.4V from CMOS overrides DCDC SYNC. Can you confirm the max input…
The MGJ2D241505SC is a 5.2kV dual+15, -5Vout output isolated converter at 5.2kV isolation.
DCP022405 series is a +/-5Vout at 1kV isolation.
There is no TI replacement for this MGJ2D241505SC.
DCP022405 is an unregulated power converter. When there is no load on Vout bus with 24Vin, Vout can be as high as13V.
At 75% load with 24Vin, the output voltage range is 4.75V to 5.25V.
If your Vout requirement is 5V ±2% under Vin range 21.6 to…
I just found out that i have to use an isolated supply, i was thinking of using the DCP022405 and reduce the tension to 5V using that to supply the microprocessor.
And for the 7.5V using the TPS7301 with R1= 902kohm.
How do i know if it needs an heat…
The DCP022405P is a unregulated power supply with input voltage range of minimum 21.6V to maximum 26.4V. The output voltage is unregulated with output voltage at 75% load or 300mA =4.75V to 5.25V . At no(0) load, with 24Vin, output voltage can be…