Tool/software: Dear Expert
1. The LED driver chip DLPA3005DPFD can drive lights of three colors: red, green, and blue. We now want to connect these three light sources simultaneously and control the lights of any color to light up separately. 2 The output…
Part Number: DLPA3005 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3479 Tool/software: Dear Aaron-san,
I previously received firmware version 8.4.1 and was able to get the temperature with the "Read System Temperature (D6h)" command. However, I found…
Part Number: DLPA3005 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP4710LC , DLPC3479 Tool/software: TI experts:
We plan to use the PWR6(aka the GP2 Buck Converter) of the DLPA3005 to generate a 5V and use it to drive the fan. I have read the section 7.3.5 of…
Part Number: DLP4710LC Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3479 , DLPA3005
Dear TI experts
We have a design based on your components for integration into our application of several thousand installations per year. We designed our custom…
Part Number: DLPA3005 Tool/software: Dear Members
The external input power is 24[V]. It cannot be directly applied to the DLPA300A. I plan to use the DLPA3005 LED at maximum current. Could you recommend a DC/DC converter for 19[V] or 12[V] for the DLPA3005…
Hello Akhil,
I have measure the Powerup sequence of DLPA3005 according to Figure 7-1 in DLPA3005's datasheet. PWR_6 and DMD_VOFFSET, DMD_VBIAS, DMD_VRESET do not come out. What fault could it be? How can I get fault status
Part Number: DLPA3005 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP3010 , DLPC3438 , DLPA3000 , , DLPDLCR3010EVM-G2 Hello,
I have a driver board( dlpa3000+dlpc3438+dlp3010, 280lm), now I want to make the dlp much higher( maybe 25% higher other than 100% higher)…
Part Number: DLPA3005 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01226 , DLPDLCR4710EVM-G2 , CSD17501Q5A , CSD17309Q3 , In TIDA-01226 DLPDLCR4710EVM-G2;
Four MOS use different model,
CSD17309Q3 and CSD17501Q5A,Why use this way?
Can I all use CSD17501Q5A?
Part Number: DLPA3005 Hi,
The pin 26, 27, 31 as attached picture are used to control LED top side.
Our customer want to control the three pin but doesn't find them in datasheet.
Could you please tell me can these three pins be controlled and how to…