Part Number: DLPC3421 Tool/software: We would like to know firmware writing procedure on SPI flash for the first time. Is there any default firmware present in DLPC3421 before we flashing the actual firmware downloaded from DLP firmware downloader page…
Part Number: DLPDLCR160CPEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP160CP Tool/software: Hello,
I have a DLPDLCR160CPEVM and I woud like to start my own application with it, but I am not able to find the DLPDLCR160CPEVM_RevE15.out, or the demo code for the…
Part Number: DLPC3421 Tool/software: Hi team,
my customer is curious why our DLP controllers can't accept front-end interface such as HDMI and DP?
what's DLP controller limitation behind this?
Part Number: DLPC3421 Hello TI everyone,
Can we input BT.656 with horizontal/vertical blanking intervals to DLPC3421? Does DLPC3421 allow only the valid video data?
Thank you.
Part Number: DLP160CP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3421 , DLPA2000 Hi every one,
I saw the sentence about connecting the DLP160CP below.
As far as I know, DLP160CP's partner is DLPC3421, but I wonder if DLP34xx can connect to all of them. …
Hello User,
The MSPM0 handles the PROJ_ON signal to the DLPC3421 controller. If there is an issue with the MSPM0 coming up the unit would be unresponsive. It seems that the failure to flash the MCU is why this is occurring.
Please allow us some time to…
Part Number: DLPDLCR160CPEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3421 Hi,
I would like to use DLPDLCR160CPEVM to do some experiment of structure illumination, in other words, I want to realize the binary pattern illumination. Is there such kind of application…
Hello Tae Wook,
Welcome to DLP forum and thank you interest DLP technology.
Mirrors in DMD have only operational wo state - ON or OFF. If a mirror fails, it will either a bright pixel or a dark pixel. There is no need to measure tilt angle.
You can use…
Part Number: DLP160CP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPA2000 , , DLPC3421 Hi Team,
Will you be able to release an optional firmware for DLP160CP, DLPC3421 and DLPA2000 system with pin mapping 1 that will allow only green LED to be connected and other…
Part Number: DLP160CP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPA2000 , , DLPC3421 Hi Team,
We are wondering how to turn off or reduce LED current with a system built with DLP160CP, DLPC3421, DLPA2000 and FWSel_DLPC3421_DLPA2000_pm1_i2c0x36_v1p1p1.img. We assume…