Part Number: DLPC4420 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC4422 , DLP660TE , DLP470TE Hi Team,
A customer is looking for the programmer's guide for DLPC4420. I could not find this on Does the DLPC4422 Software Programmer's Guide do? if not, can…
The SW for this chip is associated with the controller of the DMD. DLPC4420. Here is a quick link:
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC4420 , DLP780TE , DLP470TE , DLP660TE Hello Aaron,
Thank you very much.Another question,can we set Front end IC to display 4K+(3840*2400) by DLPC4420's IIC?
Hello Tian,
The DLPC4422 is the predecessor to the DLPC4420 and is a drop-in compatible controller part.
The DLP801XE is only included in the latest software updates for the DLPC4420 and the DLPC4422 controller was removed before this DMDs release.
Part Number: DLPC4420AEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP780TE , DLPC4420 , , DLPA300 Tool/software: Dear Sirs, I am currently working with DLPC4420EVM to control a DLP780TE DMD . I followed the user manual instructions to set up the system, but I am…
Part Number: DLP801XE Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP800RE , DLP800REEVM Tool/software: Hello:
Customer wants to use DLP801XEA0FYV for new project and needs Reference design, software, composer and related documentation
There is not enough material…
Part Number: DLPC4422 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC4420 , Hello,
Can DLPC4422/DLPC4420 swap the data bit order within each channel? Can it swap the A and B channels?
Many thanks in advance!
Part Number: DLPC4422 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP660TE , , DLP780TE , DLPC4420 , DLPC7540 , DLP660TEEVM , DLP470TEEVM , DLP471TEEVM , DLPC7540EVM , DLP650TEEVM , DLP470TE Hi TI's friends
I am a systems enginee from Wintech inc
How to make DLPC4422EVM…
Part Number: DLPC7540 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP660TE , DLPC4422 , , , DLP4710 , DLPC4420 , DLP780TE , DLPC900 , DLP500YX , DLP670S Hi Matt
I need your help to change Duty Cycles
for 3D printing Application, Only one led is enable and it's Duty Cycles…