Manu Balakrishnan said: It is typically a very low frequency like 1/10th of electrical frequency or less depending on the system.
Manu's comment here on the frequency of the control loop frequency still holds good, say your electrical frequency is …
Part Number: DRV10964 Tool/software: Hi -
Looking for FG pin functionality clarification.
During normal closed-loop operation, does FG pin give immediate feedback on rotation speed? Or does it give "target speed" feedback?
Consider a load impulse…
Part Number: DRV10964 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8315C , DRV10983-Q1 Tool/software: Hi -
I understand motor needs to follow defined initialization and motor start-up sequence procedure in Figure 14 in datasheet.
Customer wants to reduce time to…
Part Number: DRV10964 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8315A , DRV10975 Tool/software: I never got an answer on why the Motor goes to lock after 3 commutation-Steps and never reches a hand-off-point
I will close this for now, since I haven't heard a response back. If you want a follow-up, please feel free to create a new thread by clicking "Ask a related question" button located on top right of this page.
Part Number: DRV10964 Hello TI support Team,
i have an PCB-BLDC motor, 6coils und a flat disk with 8 magnets. To drive this motor i chose an DRV10964.
With 2 coils in series it has Phase to Phase resitor about 20Ohm, an inductance about 48uH and a Kt…
Hi Jimmy Wang,
Please confirm if this data sheet information clarifies that Duty should be > 0% and less than 100% . Device requires an edge transition.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Venkatadri S
Part Number: DRV10964 It is my understanding that the DRV10964 does not have a common pin.
How should the common be handled when rotating a motor with a common? Is there a virtual COM inside the IC?
I will close this for now, since I haven't heard a response back. If you want a follow-up, please feel free to create a new thread by clicking "Ask a related question" button located on top right of this page.