Part Number: DRV8145P-Q1LEVM Tool/software: Hello team,
Before we updated the firmware, the DRV8145P-Q1LEVM can be connected to GUI.
However, below message showed up and we performed the update.
After this update, GUI recognize this DRV8145P-Q1 LEVM…
Ahh yeah for that one check out DRV8145P-Q1LEVM , the "L" stands for leaded I recently learned. Or similarly for the Full-Bridge version /DRV8245S-Q1LEVM
Part Number: DRV8245S-Q1LEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8706S-Q1EVM
Dera Team,
I am working on DRV8245S-Q1 EVM now I have to connect DC high torque motor in connect as HS mode and run, as show in attached pic but when its go about to 1.2A…