Part Number: DRV8244H-Q1EVM Tool/software: Hi All,
Currently facing weird scope trace on the OUT1 and OUT2 (both reference to common GND).
I configure the driver as bridge mode where to EN1 as PWM and PH as direction.
Can someone help, why I get this…
Part Number: DRV8243H-Q1EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8243-Q1 Tool/software: Hi!
I want to combine the sleep/drvoff inputs and the fault outputs of two DRV824xH-motor drivers: one DRV8243H and one DRV8244H (see schematic, caps and pullups not…
Part Number: DRV8244H-Q1EVM Tool/software: Hi, Support Team
about DRV8244H-Q1 EVM do we have Faults alert of OCP/Short Battery or GND?
if not, should i change to DRV8244S-Q1 LEVM?
if any suggestion, Please advise me.
Best regards,
Part Number: DRV8244H-Q1EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , MSP430F5528 , MSP-FET
We had to replace the micro on the EVM board, but I cannot find the firmware for the micro. Where can I download and flash it?
I found this but not sure if it…
Part Number: DRV8244H-Q1EVM Hi,
I won't lie, I'm still relatively new to TI MSP430 mcu's and very new to this motor driver module. I have a DRV8244H-Q1EVM board which I am using to drive an external motor, however with the GUI I am unable to drive the…
Hi Cameron,
Thanks for the confirmation. Also please try pulsing nSLEEP after tREADY (specified in the datasheet) as shown in the below snippet. Please follow the timings mentioned.
If it still does not work please try with another device. Do you have…
Hey Ankit,
See the device datasheet for basic steps on control of the driver: This should be able to get you to spinning the motor.
Unfortunately we do not have any sample code for this device beyond the…
Hi Deekshitha,
Thanks for the scope shots.
1. Based on the waveform the PWM from the MCU is having a spike as seen in the yellow trace. This is your firmware related issue. When the button was pressed the IO port is being written with a LOW and back to…
Yes, you are correct. 12k is the number I get.
For EVM, I show it is in stock on
Did you look somewhere else?