Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: Hello,
Is it possible to piggy back more current into the charge pump circuitry with external connections?
Thank you, Keith
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: Hello
Could you please provide guidance for LS gate return routing on DRV8334 if you don't use shunts in the system and the LS source of the MOSFET is the inverter return?
Is there a good way to do this if you…
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: Hello,
Would you be able to clarify if the phase comparator can be used in 6x pwm mode? Having not seen anything but the description and block diagram , I am having a hard time understanding if the phase comparators…
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: Hello,
Could you please help with a smart gate drive question?
We are trying to calculate the actual current we will see during the miller region as we switch, in order to determine the minimum Vds Rise time of our…
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: I see in the datasheet in MON_CTRL3 a bit called "VGS_LVL". Is this threshold solely used for the VGS protection, or does it play a role in other aspects of the gate driver (eg, smart gate drive)?
Hi Ian,
Here is a comparison table of the two devices
I don't really have access to information on whether DRV8323 is going to EOL soon or not but do keep in mind that it is an older device and DRV8334 is considered its next generation.
Regards, …
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: Is there any additional documentation on DRVEN_x? I'm not seeing a very thorough description of what they do / how they work in the datasheet. By what means is GHx/GLx for the given phase pulled low? Just RPD_SA, in…
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: I've been going through the datasheet and am wondering when I might want to set the bit TCP_EN_DLY for the DRV8334 / what use case there might be in increasing the time between inputs being off and the trickle charge…
Hi all,
I talked with some of my contacts at TI earlier today about this and have an explanation. As you can see in the able above, the times were consistent but all had about ~400-600ns added to them (really depends on how you want to measure it--ideally…
Part Number: DRV8334 Tool/software: Hello,
I'm working on a tuning guide for my team's internal use. For some context, we are not at present using predischarge or deadtime injection (I mention these things solely as they adjust the functionality of the…