Part Number: DRV8412DDWEVM Hello,
I am performing a thermal cycle fatigue assessment that accounts for this component. I need CTE values for the electronic package. I could not find info for this on the datasheet. Can this info be provided?
Will …
Part Number: DRV8412DDWEVM Hi Experts,
Seeking your assistance on this query:
I would like to get, if possible, some more information about DRV8412DDWEVM fabrication of PCB, including its assembly. Also, would be better to know, if connecting M0, M1 and…
Part Number: DRV8412DDWEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8412 , DRV8962 , DRV8962EVM Hi Team,
EVM test actual motor drive of the machine, motor is DC48V with a current of 3~5A. (POWER SUPPLY: DC48V/6A; +12V/3A)
In DRV8412 EVM operating mode:
Part Number: DRV8412DDWEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2350 Hi , i'am using drv8412evm rev.g -> dual dc or step motor driver
When i test about this evm , i wondered about current sensing of motor phase
i attatch the schematic.
I know IA-FB…
Hello Murugavel,
Thanks for you response.
I have few questions
1. Why discontinued the DRV8432EVM, Is there any problem with this?
2. DRV8962EVM- I want to control form our micro controller- I want use only one Digital signal(PWM) and Current output is…
Part Number: DRV8412DDWEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8412 , CONTROLSUITE Hi
I am working on closed loop stepper based on DRV8412 C2 kit.
The default project 'GUI_project' works fine with GUI Version G.
I can adjust the speed of stepper…
Part Number: DRV8412DDWEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8412 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio HI,
I am working on DRV8412 C2 Kit with stepper motor. The board type is of REV G.
The demo project GUI_project works fine with Example GUI v9.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8412 Hi,
I am doing some basic test on DRV8412EVM. I put both M1and M2 on high, M3 on low to operate under Mode 4. Only PWMA testpoint, GVDD, PVDD are connected to their conterparts. But no matter how I adjust PWM duty…
Part Number: DRV8412
A bit of Description:
I have a motor driver set up in Parallel full bridge configuration by setting M2 high, whist M1 and M3 are low.
Using a OC_ADJ pin of 150 Ohms.
This is all set up on the DRV8412DDWEVM Evaluation board.
Thank you very much.
About 1: I understand the measurement of Ton_min. Did you confirm Ton_min = 50nsec described in the data sheet by measuring with EVM? Also, I think that Ton_min = 50nsec described in the data…