Part Number: DRV8711 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Here we are using DRV8711 driver for Brushed DC motor with N-channel mosfets. According to calculation from provided formula in DRV8711 datasheet for full scale current must be 3A but current is limited below…
Hi Dhivya,
For normal operation APDF and BPDF must not be set. These are pre-driver fault indicator bits. If they're set the outputs will be disabled. Your system should have normal operation when these bits are not set. Thanks.
Regards, Murugave…
Hi Dhivya,
It's difficult to tell from the scope captures provide which signal is which. Can you please add labels to these images? If following in order from Murugavels suggested nodes of capture, it looks like x2HS is the only gate that is seeing any…
Part Number: DRV8711 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8452 , DRV8434 , DRV8462 Tool/software: Dear TI Support Team,
I would like to inquire if the DRV8711 can be operated using only PWM and GPIO signals, without requiring SPI communication. Our application…
Part Number: DRV8711 Tool/software: Hello Sir/Madam,
I am using the DRV8711 for both stepper and BDC motors in my drivers, but I am encountering a stalling issue. I am using the AUIRF540ZSTRL MOSFET to drive the motor, which can handle up to 3A. However…
Part Number: DRV8711 Tool/software: Hello sir,
I am using 0.01 E current sense resistor for stepper motor. But, for DC motor it is not suitable please help to choose the current sense resistor.
Part Number: DRV8711 Tool/software: Hello team,
We are working DRV8711 stepper motor driver with STM32F429IGT6 controller for our application. When we work with the driver, it automatically stopped after running few minutes. We are configured all registers…
Hi Rohan,
Thanks for sharing the requirements. The DRV8462 in DDW package can support up to 10 Amps IFS motor current and support up to 65 V operating voltage. The EVM for this device is DRV8462VEVM. This package DDW requires external heatsink for power…
Part Number: DRV8711 Tool/software: Is it acceptable to connect SLEEPn directly to the V5 supply voltage. I do not need the sleep function and want the chip enabled all of the time. Thanks...
Part Number: DRV8711 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , , CSD18531Q5A Tool/software: Hi,
My company has ~800 stepper driver boards built with DRV8711s & CSD88537NDs. They have worked pretty well for us at 24V and 1-2A with one pre-driver fault every…