Part Number: DRV8880 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8886 Tool/software: I have been asked to upgrade a PCB that uses the DRV8880PWP device, I see this product code is being phased out (last time buy). The product page in question suggests using two…
Part Number: DRV8880 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8818 , Hi,
Would you like to ask a question, DRV8880 and DRV8818 these two chips, the same DIR input power level, the direction of the stepper motor is reversed?
Many thanks~
Part Number: DRV8880 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: STRIKE Hello Team,
We have been working on the operation of this IC for the purpose of driving a stepper motor(NEMA 17). We also wanted to make sure that we are varying the Vref of the driver using a…
Part Number: DRV8880
The values for attenuation in the data sheet are above, at each of the four TRQ levels. I am not clear on what these mean and how I can use them. Can someone explain/clarify?
Part Number: DRV8880 Hi All,
I have a question about DRV8880.
We are currently verifying that the protection function works properly. I shorted the output of AOUT1 to GND, but the overcurrent protection function did not work. nFAULT remained High. Where…
Part Number: DRV8880 Hello,
I'd like to confirm one thing on maximum input voltage of DRV8880. The table on page 6 says 5.3V(max) for both logic and tri level inputs. However if I look at the figure 23 and 24 on page 27, those digital pins are connected…
Part Number: DRV8880 Does anyone know when DRV8880RHRT will be back in stock on I am also curious if there is a direct drop in replacement for DRV8880RHRT?
Part Number: DRV8880 Hello. I am using the DRV8880 with the smart-tune feature. I have a PCB design that pulls the ATE pin to V3P3, as the data sheet suggests. I saw in the smart-tune data sheet section, it stated that the decay mode pins are ignored…
Part Number: DRV8880 Hello,
We have a PCB with DRV8880RHR chip. To verify the board, Every time we need to connect stepper motors. Is there any method to test the functionality of DRV8880RHR without connecting the stepper motors..
Please let me know.