Part Number: HDC2021 Tool/software: HDC2021DEBT Texas Instruments product from Viassion Technology Co., Ltd. in 2022 to use in our humidity sensor measurements.
However, we have seen that the measurement and behavior of HDC2021DEBTs in the same condition…
Part Number: HDC2021 Tool/software: Is the HDC2021DEBR factory calibrated? Does this sensor needs to be re-calibrated after peeling off the tape after reflow / coating process? Best regards,
Tommy Smith
Part Number: HDC2021 I can correctly read the device ID from the HDC2021 with the MSB returned as 0x07 and the LSB returned as 0x0D, as well as the manufacture id as 0x5449
But the MSB of the temperature (address 0x01 returns a constant which varies. …
Part Number: HDC2021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC2080 , Dear Team,
We are using the temperature and humidity sensors from TI in one of our design. We have produced 50 boards with HDC2021 and 50 with HDC2080. We have observed that the boards with…
Part Number: HDC2021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC2022 "is the operating voltage greater than 2.7V? If so, could we please get access to the default registers? To do this, power cycle the part and read all the registers."
Dear Team, …
Part Number: HDC2021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC2080 , HDC2022 , HDC2010 Hi teams
I am seeking a humidity sensor for customer and looking at HDC202X family.
Could you help me to figure it out what's the major difference between HDC2021 and HDC2020…
Part Number: HDC2021 Hi,
Customer is using HDC2021DEPR in their many projects. In out of 5000 products, they have to face some Humidity and Temperature issues in around 500 products. They have to compare with their reference device, they got the variation…
Part Number: HDC2021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC3022 , HDC2022 , HDC3020 , HDC3021 Hi Team,
My customer is surveying our sensor HDC2021, below questions need your comment:
If customer need high accuracy temp. sense, the accuracy spec need is tolerance…
Part Number: HDC2021 Team, We are using HDC2021 and we have few observations and we would like to clarify . Settings Sensor Supply Voltage : 3.3 V Frequency 100KHz With the above are the settings we face 2 issues . #1. when we read all register settings from…