Part Number: ISO1212EVM Tool/software: i want to use this ISO1212DBQ ic for below specification.
Input logic low voltage (VIL) 0 VDC ±4 VDC Input logic high voltage (VIH) ±11 VDC ±30 VDC
Kindly send me reference design.
Part Number: ISO1212EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1212 , Hi,
We found that the Rthr you used for ISO1212 EVM is 0.25W and is AEC-Q200 Grade 1.
Why you need to use 0.25W resistor in this case?
Is there any calculation to let us know the power dissipation…
Part Number: ISO1212EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1212 How do I modify the 100V input to 300V for the ISO1212EVM. My reference is Figure 7 showing the ISO1212EVM schematic. Thx
Part Number: ISO1212EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1212 , ISO7741 , ISO7741EVM Hi,
I"m trying to filter some noise from a pulse generating system, up to 270KHz, 5us width. I purchased a ISO1212EVM optical isolator but the levels to trigger…
Part Number: ISO1212 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , ISO1211 Customer would like to design the ISO1212 for AC motor. There are some questions related to the ISO1212's performance and design.
1. How to calculate the power consumption of the chip…
Hi Carlos,
We currently do not have a plan to do 3 or 4-channel input variant. The 2-channel variant ISO1212 actually helps customer design their system much more efficiently than a 4-channel device with respect to component placement / routing in PCB…