Part Number: ISO1412 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISOW1412 Hi this is jude from innospace automation.Our application will collect the data from energy meter through rs485 interface.
Here we are using ISOW1412DFMR for RS485 interface.In datasheet Page…
Part Number: ISO1412 Hello, I would like you to confirm about below. * How much time is needed to work "failsafe" function under following input condition ? - open - short - Idle According to ADI device(LTC2852) show as shown below about above question…
Part Number: ISO1412 Please refer to below table, and provide the same IEC60950 or IEC62368 certificate/report as Texas/ISO series to use for approval.
Please share and update soon, thanks.
BR, Gary
Part Number: ISO1412 The test we used is shown in the figure below. In the test, only SYSTEM to MODULE 1 is connected, and the measurement graph is normal, but when the SYSTEM is connected to MODULE 1 + MODULE 2, and the RX+ /RX- looks very strange (red…
Part Number: ISO1412
We are using ISO1412 in my project where I am publishing data over Modbus RTU. We are successfully able to publish data over 4 wire RS485 communication, but the same doesn't work with 2 wire (half-duplex) communication.…
Part Number: ISO1412
May I know how to design the Rt resistance? In my design, I need to change the Rt from 54 ohm to 1k ohm, that the device can work normal. Could you share the Rt design guide to me? Thanks
BR, Gary