Part Number: ISO5452-Q1 Tool/software: We use Coolsic Mosfet which utilize SiC technology.To drive lower leg Mosfet we use gate driver with part no ISO5452-Q1 which have desat protection.We are designing desat protection with balnking capacitor of 47uF…
Part Number: ISO5452 Tool/software: Hello team,
Do we have a reference data for I(OUTH) / I(OUTL) vs VCC2-GND2?
If we also have vs Temperature data, it would be helpful.
Best regards,
Part Number: ISO5452 Hello, is there any document for FIT, failure mode analysis for ISO5452QDWQ1? Cause we need this for Functional Safety activities.
Part Number: ISO5452 In the d/s, it says that the 100-Ohm to 1K-Ohm is recommended to connect in series with the DESAT diode. However, my customer already places ~6K-Ohm Rs in the mass production for DESAT threshold voltage when short circuit event is…
Part Number: ISO5452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO5852S I am using ISO5452 driver in solar inverter (three phase) with DC bus ranging from 200V to 800V with switching frequency 4kHz. I bought ISO5852 instead of ISO5452 due to component non-availability…
Part Number: ISO5452 Team,
Since customer would like to do the EMC simulation from system's perspective including Ext. Circuit/PCB layout/device parasitic parameters/..., they'd like to know how to measure the impedance of each pins on this device when…
Part Number: ISO5452 Hi Team,
Customer use 3 pcs ISO5452 in a 380V/7500W servo system. The use ISO5452 as a gate driver to control the U/V/W high side IGBT, and they use Opto-Coupler for the low side gate driver.
The ISO5452 each use an independent power…
Part Number: ISO5452-Q1 hi experts
Does ISO5x5x family have quick calculation tool like UCC217XX family have?
I cannot find similar tools about ISO5x5x.
Part Number: ISO5452 Can I drive two IGBTs in parallel using single driver IC? If yes, What is the recommended circuit connection with respect to OUTH, OUTL, CLAMP pins?