Part Number: ISO7820 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7840 , ISO7842 Tool/software: Dear,
We use ISO7820 and ISO7840,UL 61010-1 2018 standard contains the definition of 5s - as follows, the current value of 5700VRMS 1min is OK, we do need the AC value…
Part Number: ISO7820 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1412 , ISO1042 There is a request to have a design with 50 differential channels from a scsi connector out to another connector.
The signals are asked to be isolated.
Initially, only thinking we…
Part Number: ISO7820 Hi experts,
My customer selected ACNT-H61L-500E considering the reinforced insulation.
Do we have suitable device to replace ACNT-H61L-500E?
Many thanks!
Part Number: ISO7820 Hi Experts,
We would like to ask your confirmation if the device ISO7820 can isolate LVDS signal?
Datasheet tells it can isolate CMOS or LVCMOS digital I/O's.
Thank you for your support.
Regards, Archie A.
Part Number: ISO7820 Hi Experts,
Can this isolator be powered with different voltage level (from IN to OUT)? Need your confirmation.
Thank you.
Regards, Archie A.
Part Number: ISO7820 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7720 , ISO6720 50kHz, 5V PWM signal input and 3.3V, 50kHz signal output, VCCi is 5v and VCCo is 3.3V, can this part support that? or can you suggest some part support that.
Part Number: ISO7820 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7821LLS , We are looking for a LVDS isolator, which needs hot-swap function, and the speed is less than 300 Mbps. At present, we have preliminary evaluation of ISO7820. Is there any more mainstream…