Part Number: ISOW1412 Tool/software: Hello,
My customer has a question for power up sequence of ISOW1412.
Now VDD=5V and VIO=3.3V. 5V is powered up before 3.3V power up.
According to Table10-1 on P32 of the datasheet, ”VDD>UVLO+ and VIO<UVLO+” condition…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Tool/software: Hi, Our customer is developing an isolated RS485 transceiver based on the above, but what purpose does the resistor on the A/B bus line in this document? It's in series…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Tool/software: Greetings.
Would it be OK to run RS485 diff-pair and other traces under and between the ISOW1412 pins as long as the 4mm keep-out from pin 11,12 is respected?
Thank you.
Part Number: ISOW1412 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1432 , Tool/software: Hello,
I checked both ISO1432 and ISOW1412. Both seems to meet my specifications but I really liked that the ISOW1412 has the isolated DCDC built-in.
I want to send a RS-485…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Tool/software: Hi,
I'm using Isow1412 isolated rs485 chip in my product.I'm facing an issue currently.I'm trying to communicate with plc(Master) & my product (slave). PLC sending data which is collected & send to microcontroller…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Tool/software: Could you provide the Reliability and any other certificates are available for ISOW1412BDFMR?
And could you please provide the derating value for IC and for Inbuilt DC-DC values?
Part Number: ISOW1412 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO1412 Tool/software: How to connect the opto coupler to extra pins provided as GPIO Pins (Input and Output)
1)Will that recommended if recommended then how to connect the Opto coupler to that GPIO…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Tool/software: I am using the ISOW1412BDFMR
I am getting a ripple voltage on the A and B output line of mV. (see picture below)
I am trying to understand what the cause of this 54MHZ noise of around 568mV on the A and B 485 signal…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISOW1044 , , ISOW7741 Tool/software: Hi,
we are using the ADM2687 in our design and we see "quite some noise" from the chip in TEM cell near field measurement.
For this reason are very interested…
Part Number: ISOW1412 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISOW7741DFMEVM Tool/software: Hi,
I would also like to receive Altium files for the reference design. In the datasheet layout example it states that 10nF and 1uF decoupling capacitors should have 2…