Please ask customer to reach out to the Online Customer Support center ( https://support.ti.com/csm ) and initiate a new support request and follow the guidelines mentioned in the below link for customer returns?
Part Number: IVC102 Dear support,
I am working with the IVC102 as an op-amp in my project with LabView and the NI USB-6008.
I kindly ask for an explanation or your opinion, why True and False are switched in the code.
I leave attached the file in a…
Part Number: IVC102 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DDC264 Hi Team,
We would like to ask your help regarding our customer's inquiry below.
My team and I are currently working on the hardware design of a handheld luminometer. For the measurement process…
Part Number: IVC102
Hi Team, seeking some inputs for a customer.
The inverted input of the IVC is connected to a photodiode, and I am using the 10pF internal capacitor for the integrator.
The photodiode is illuminated with an optical pulse train (75us…
Part Number: IVC102
The customer purchased a batch of IVC102U chips from TI's official channels, and found that some of the chips were abnormal, with low test values and large dispersion. See the annex for the report.
Please help analyze the…
Part Number: IVC102 Hi Experts,
The customer wants to use IVC102 to detect the current from a photodiode, but their circuit do not use negative voltage. According to the datasheet of IVC102, the voltage in pin9 must be -10~-18V. Is it okay to connect…
Part Number: ADS1240 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IVC102 , , ADS122C04 Hi Team,
Our customer is using IVC102 transimpedance amplifier for their product and would like to ask what ADC we could recommend to connect to it. Currently he is using LTC2485 but…
Part Number: IVC102 Hi,
I would like to use IVC102 as an integrator for rogowski coil that is used for fault current detection. Datasheet of IVC102 is showing its usage for current integration but in principle this opamp can be used to integrate a voltage…
Part Number: ACF2101 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IVC102 , Tool/software: Judging from datasheet copyright dates, the ACF2101 dates from the mid-1990s. What is its long-term support outlook? We are trying to make support forecasts for 2030 and beyond…
Part Number: IVC102 Hello everybody,
i am using the IVC102 to integrate a PD-Signal.
Supply voltage is +/-12 V DC
Photodiode is a AEPX65 with also -12V BIAS.
S1 & S2 are programmed like this:
Now i have the problem that there is some switching…