Part Number: IWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi,
I would like to set the SPI clock to 16MHz.
Is it possible to set the MCSPI source clock to SOC_RcmPeripheralClockSource_OSC_CLKX2 (80MHz) declared in soc_rcm.h?
The SDK is MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_05_02_00.
Best Regards…
Part Number: IWRL1432BOOST Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi,
I'm currently working with the IWRL1432 board and have flashed the level sensing .appimage located at:
Part Number: IWRL1432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVE-L-SDK Tool/software: Hi,
I am customizing mmwave_demo in MMWAVE-L-SDK
The customization involves adding a command to enter deep sleep when triggered by a command.
With this customized…
Part Number: IWRL1432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVE-L-SDK Tool/software: 1. Can the component generate a chirp of 500MHz in 5uS or in 4uS.
2. For the previous chirp of 500MHz what would be the settling time to start the next chirp (assume a sawtooth…
Part Number: AWRL1432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi engineers,
I want to ask if there are any ways to improve the cold start time(From the first power-on to the time it outputs target information) of the IWRL1432? Our demo…
Part Number: IWRL1432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843 Tool/software: Hi,
I'm currently looking for potentially adopting IWRL1432 as main radar device for our 2-wheel application.
Did someone tested or has any experience on using MRR Beamsteering…
Part Number: IWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi,
Customer has below questions about the device clock. Would you pls help?
1. What's the clock source of MDLL_CLK? What's the frequency of MDLL_CLK? How it generates?
2. What's the clock source of DFE_CLK…
Hello Marcel,
Our highest performance device would be the AM69 and respective SK-AM69 EVM. I do not know what amount of bandwidth you will need for the amount of sensors, as bandwidth needed can be varied heavily by radar cube shape, size, and transfer…
Part Number: IWRL1432 Tool/software: I found "791A" on my IWRL1432 chip. It's Es1.0 or 2.0? can it use MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_05_00_02? I tested seem not work.