Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Hello Team,
Posting on behalf of my customer:
Hello we received a new RM42 Hercules Reference Kit with the Demo software on there. When I connect to the windows10 laptop the PC program does not automatically launch like in…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Hi, I am having problem receiving data over UART on the LAUNCHXL-RM42 (rev C) board. I've written code to simply echo back typed characters on a serial terminal. The code works when connected…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42
Hi support,
I configured RM42 SPI1 as a SPI slave, and use AM65x MCU as the SPI master. The two boards are connected with SOMI, SIMO, CLK, CS and GND.
AM65x MCU will loop reading SPI from the RM42 board on start up.
If AM65X…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Hello everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I need help finding a solution to my problem, which is that my launchpad and my computer are uncapable to establish connection between them
Every time I try to test connection…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN We're trying to bring up a LAUNCHXL-RM42. With the standard sys_startup.c provided by HALCoGen, the MCU hangs in _c_int00 because a bit in ESMSR3 is set. It hangs in this for loop…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Hello,
I'm getting the following message when trying to load/erase the chip:
Thu Apr 16, 2020 15:02:48: Failed to load flash loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Hello,
I am trying to program the FPGA of my LAUNCHXL-RM42. But i got this issue :
XSVF Player v5.01, Xilinx, Inc. Found 2 USB 2.x devices Opened Texas Instruments Inc.XDS100 Ver 2.0 B, at Location 306 XSVF file = -v4 XSVF file …
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hello! So, I have obtained a LAUNCHXL-RM42 evaluation kit (March 2019). After quite the wild goose chase I was able to locate a tutorial for this Project 0 (aka PWM Blinker) from the community…
Part Number: RM42L432 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio enabling the ESM (Error Signaling Module) on the LAUNCHXL RM42 EVAL running the RM42L432 MCU caused the ESM to be latched. Once latched resetting the target does not remove the error; indicated…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-RM42 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
I've bought a Hercules RM42x LaunchPad (Cortex-R4F MCU), but I can't find it in CCS - 'Resource explorer'.
Please help !!