Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: Hello,
In the process of developing inductive sensors, used LDC1101,
when touching the side of the sensor head with your hand, the sensing distance will change.
We use the RP+L measurement mode, and when touching the…
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: Hi,
Referring to LDC1101 datasheet section 9.1.15:
When LHR-DRDY or RPL-DRDY is reported on SDO, the SDO pin is asserted on completion of a conversion. While in this mode , conversion data can be corrupted if a new…
Hello Arthur,
One of the digital designer's confirmed the behavior we both observed is to be expected. Looks like a typo or important word may have been left out that clarifies what type of registers are preserved.
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: Hi,
Are the design files available for the LDC reference coils in SNOU-136? I'd like to fabricate several units of design "S".
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: Hi,
I have a space-constrained application where the coil assembly must fit within a 6 mm diameter cylindrical hole. If I use a 4-layer PCB coil, there isn't room for the tank capacitor in-plane. Is it acceptable to…
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: Hello,
The pinout sketched in the datasheet doesn't illustrate the ground pins on the ends of the LDC1101 package. I could not find a clear layout guideline for this part.
The ground pins on the sides are seen…
Hello Arthur,
Thanks for that feedback. I will need to do some investigation on why that is so. However, given that the original development team is not here anymore and the documentation provides few clues, I likely will not have good explanation anytime…
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: Hello all,
I am using SPI on the 2800137 launchpad to communicate with a LDC1101.
If I use the SPI_transmitByte() function and pass the appropriate READ/WRITE command along with a register address of the LDC1101, then …
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: hi team,
my customer is using LDC1101 and they are having some problems on the design:
1. what dose the specific 2.93MHz & 4.27MHz mean in the table? why not other frequency?
2. What does RPD0 and RPD∞ mean ?…
Part Number: LDC1101 Tool/software: I have used the old online version of the LDC Design Tool in the past. Had no issues with it and was easy to use.
Using the new spreadsheet version:
For this project, I am considering the LDC1101. I downloaded the…