Part Number: LM2105 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5109B Hi,
is there any chance to get a SPICE model for the LM2105 or any other similar half-bridge driver?
Part Number: LM2105 Hi Team,
I would like to konw if LM2105 can only use high side driver? if possible the Unused Pins should floating or Gnd?
Part Number: LM2105
I wanted to attach a file to help calculate the minimum drive current needed for Half-Bridge gate drivers:
Half Bridge Minimum Drive Current Calculator.xlsx
This file will allow users to input their circuit parameters and…
Part Number: LM2105 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC27710
How do I choose the best half-bridge gate driver for DC motor drive applications?
*Update: Read more detail in the application note: How to Choose a Gate Driver for DC Motor Drives *
Where there…
The LMG1210 can drive GaNFETs in parallel but be aware that with each additional FET, the total gate charge Qg will increase. This will affect the power dissipation, which may result in having to use a lower switching frequency than desired, and…
Part Number: UCC27282-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC27282 , , LM2105 , LMG1205 Hi team,
Do we have alternatives for UCC27282-Q1 which the VDD can accept 5V? For UCC27282, seems that nomimal is 12V and min is 5.5V.
My customer wants to use 5V in…
Hey Ryker,
Thank you for reaching out with your question regarding the LM5109B.
Yes, the LM5109B is capable of driving three MOSFETs in parallel. The drive current requirements are dictated by the desired rise/fall time, total Qg of the FETs being driven…
Hey Joaquim,
Unfortunately our lowest BDC motor drivers require 1.65V minimum. Here are all of them: Our gate drivers all require the gate driver VM power supply…
Part Number: LM34936 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2105 , Hello TI team.
I want to use LM34936RHFR in my application.
It is buck-boost convertor with high input voltage and high Power (600 W)
Vin: 30-85V
Vout: 52V 10A
In addition to standard…
HI Oliver,
thanks for the update.
To confirm this waveform is measured on the high side BUCK MOSFET between Gate and Source - right. (Can you try to get the picture better and also add Time and voltage division?)
So this would be the drive capability of…