Hey Joe, Welcome to the E2E forums! For level translators, you would probably need a bidirectional translator from this page: www.ti.com/.../bidirectional-voltage-translation-products.page Our team supporting the LM25066 have not tested different I2C…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25066 , LM25066A , LM25066IA , LM25066I
Could you tell me about LM25066A STATUS_WORD(79h) Power Good status? Customer is trying to confirm the status by reading 79h. The default value of Power Good status in the 79h 11bit…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25066IA , LM25066I
Could you tell me about LM25066A STATUS_WORD(79h) register status? Customer is trying to confirm the status by reading 79h. I have got the following questions. ◇Question Please tell me about the status…