Part Number: LM25148 Tool/software: A real odd on here-
Design is 30Vin to 15Vo. Load current ~8A max (for now). ~425kHz Fsw.
Load current is increased and at ~1-1.5A then the switching cycle starts to terminate early.
Sometimes the setpoint decreases…
Part Number: LM25148 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5148 , LM25143
I am currently designing a PSU using LM25148 dual phase to output 12V @30A using a 6S battery as power source. I need to check if I am doing anything wrong with…
Part Number: LM25148 Tool/software: Regarding the Reply to this question, Can I get clarification, I would have thought the gain would be controlled by the ratio of R19 and R12, R8 is a set point for the CV amplifier, but would it also determine the…
Part Number: LM25148 Tool/software: Looking at the data sheet example designs for example Figure 9-4 in the datasheet
The isns and V out paths have not compensation network,
However in certain applications I see resistor added in series and a capacitor…
Part Number: LM25148 Hi, I designed a 2nd version of a board based on LM25148. In the 1st version, there was some issues that it wasn't supporting current more than 10A. Although, i got layout review at that time as well. Now, i need PCB layout review…
Part Number: LM25148 Hi, I have some questions regarding designing of LM25148
Is it necessary to have RC network across inductor and current sense resistor? The datasheet says that if need to measure current using inductor DCR current sensing then need…
Part Number: LM25148 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5148
Hi, I design a board based on LM25148. I also got PCB review for it. Now i am testing the board. I noticed that as i increase the load current, the input voltage at converter start dropping drastically…
Part Number: LM25148
Hi, We wish to use the LM25148 as a synch buck. But we need also to have an output current clamp, which can clamp the output current by pulling down the comp pin..(eg an opamp error amp, to pull down the COMP pin via…