Part Number: LM25574 Hello team,
Customer traditionally used LM25574MTX. I advice there was some stock of the Q1 version: LM25574QMTX/NOPB .
EMS warned them that the coating of pins is different.
Is this the case? If so, what different does it make?
Part Number: LM25574-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 There is an error showing while running the simulation model of LM25574-Q1. The error shows like ''Can't resolve .param SS={SS}''. Please support
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 , LM46000 Hi,
I'm testing a board with a couple of switchers on it (the only thing that is currently populated). The -8V inverting switcher is making a squealing nose. I have tracked it down to what looks like…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 A customer, Martin Rossi, is trying to use Webench for 14 to 16Vin , -15Vout at 100mA. He is using LM25574 for this purpose. While using Webench, he noted that in OpVals, if you hit "Recalculate", they return with…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM46001 Based on your application notes, I would like to use an inductor value large enough to keep in CCM mode at light load (20 mA minimum, 100 mA maximum). Is it possible to enter custom value inductors for the requ…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 We have done the WEBBENCH Simulation using an LM25574 to generate +15V from a +15V supply.
The current we need is about 20 to 50mA. We have to supply two opamps.
I have included the WEBBench Desing and the screenshots…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 , LM3478 Using Webench, for the design and subsequently building, I get very low O/P voltage.
I have +10.8V to +13.2V input and attempting to obtain -12V O/P upto 200mA. Webench recommended the LM25574 part and this…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 , LM25575 The datasheet for the LM25574 shows the sync input signal as a pulse train. Is there a limitation on the duty cycle of the driving sync signal? Is there any problem driving the sync pin with a square wave…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 I used webbench to design a converter to provide -5 VDC from +12V source.
Here is the design: 5556.Power Supply -5.pdf
Instead of -5V, the output is -18V.
Probing the circuit reveals that the converter is running…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM25574 , LM5574 The datasheet for the LM25574 states that the operating frequency range extends up to 1 Mhz, potentially limited by constraints of input and output voltage.
When I use the Webench design tool for the LM25574…