Part Number: LM4755 Hi,
some time ago the LM4755TS was set to obsolete Status.
Now ist is again available under LM4755TSX/NOB.
We odered some samples for evaluation but they are branded with National Logo not TI.
Can you confirn that LM4755TSX will be a…
Hi Lannier,
Neither the LM4755 nor the LM4752 have through-hole versions listed or shown. The datasheets were updated in 2013, and this original post is from 2012, so indeed these were removed from the datasheets. I certainly feel sad that you spent time…
Part Number: LM4940 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM4752 , LM4755 We would like to include this part in a circuit simulation. If not available in the short term a recommended suggestion for a similar model that could be used as a substitute.
Dear Ivan
Could you please provide these two IC (LM4752 and LM4755) output power at 12V input?
As figure below, only 2.x W??
We need IC can support over 6W when input…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM1876 , LM4935 , OPA1662 , OPA1664 Blast from the Past! 1980 NSC Audio/Radio Handbook!
We've gotten several requests for this, so here it is!
Sorry the scan isn't 100% clear, but the print quality of the book from…
Hi Bogey,
If you want to use the LM4752 in the TO-220 package, I'd like to suggest that you look at the LM4755. The LM4752 is presently not available in the TO-220 package, but the LM4755 is. The parts are essentially the same, except the LM4755 has a…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Update of TINA9-TI Spice Model Libraries and Example Circuits
This note describes the step-by-step process for updating the TINA9-TI Spice Macro Libraries and Example circuits. The update is initiated by selecting…