Part Number: LM5000EVAL Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5000 , Hello,
I would like to evaluate the LM5000 in a non isolated boost mode.
Do you have a EVM for this, seems like the LM5000EVAL is only for flyback configurations.
Part Number: LM5000EVAL Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools Run webench design tools and get the schematic for
but it is wrong reference / value:
Cbyp: 0805YA103JAT2A
100nF from schema but 10nF for this referense!
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5000EVAL , LM5000
Does someone know the output voltage range for the LM5000EVAL for a given input voltage range?
What is the max adjustable output voltage (and at what conditions)?
The features for the LM5000EVAL…