Part Number: LM5064EVK Tool/software: Hello,
When purchasing LM5064EVK, is the FTDI dongle below provided? Or do users need to purchase it separately?
Thank you.
Part Number: LM5064EVK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5064 , TPS2662 , LM5067 Hi, I am designing hot swap controller to connect to the back panel of our system.
My requirements are Vmin=-15.075v, Vmax=-14.925v, Vtyp=-15v at 150ma current limit. which…
Part Number: LM5064EVK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5064 Hi,
I bought an LM5064EVK and installed the PI commander GUI. I'm following all the steps in the UG, FTDI dongle is connected and EVK is supplied with -48V. But the GUI just doesn't detect…
Part Number: LM5064EVK Hi,
I evaluate LM5064EVK with Pi-commander. I want to disable MOSFET gate shutdown by setting "1" to 0xD7 with the PMbus command. I thought you would set it with PMbus Coefficient editor, but 0xD7 address is not displayed…