Part Number: LM5102 Hello,
I use the LM5102 driver to drive High Side and Low Side MOS according to the attached diagram.
In simulation it works perfectly.
In real life it's another thing.
The gate of the High side MOS oscillates periodically.
Part Number: LM5102 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5106 , TINA-TI , LM5109B
Hi Team,
I have a simple question about LM5102 HO/LO state when VDD is 0V and 0~9V(below recommended operating conditions).
Hi-Z, pull up, pull down?
I think 0~9V is unknown…
Part Number: LM5102 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5041 , CSD19535KTT , Hi,
I have a PS design based on LM5041 and LM5102MM as driver.
Switching frequency is 400KHZ. Driver drive CSD19535KTT mosfets (7.9nF).
The LM5102MM is overheating. I've added optional…
Part Number: LM5012-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5012 , LM5102 , LM5013 Tool/software: Hello team,
Customer wants to know how to design the external components parameters, work conditions: 48V battery, Vout = 12V, Iout = 1.5A.
1. Non-sync Buck…
Can you help with the below question?
"Would you be able to find out if the RT1 or RT2 pins were grounded, would this eliminate the turn on delay of the high side or low side gate drive signal from outputting high?
Also, say if the high side…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5105 , LM5102 In comparing the datasheets for the LM5100/LM5101x with the datasheets for the LM5102 and LM5105, there is roughly a factor of 3.5x increase in boot-strap diode dissipation for the 02 and 05 parts for similar…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5102 Hi,
I am using LM5102. 50Khz signal is given as input for tOP mosfet and inverted 50khz signal is given as input for botom mosfet.
In the above circuit pin 4(HS) should connect to junction where top mosfet source…
Part Number: LM5106 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM5102 We are having problems with using LM5106 half bridge driver IC, it works most some of the time. but there are other times where we are seeing a lot of failures and excess IC temperatures. We…
Dear Johny, LM5101 or LM5102 is recommend to co-work with LM5041 for buck gate driver which can program delay time. You can refer to LM5041EVAL reference design. Thanks