Part Number: LM5106 Tool/software: Hi,
We are using LM5106 for DC motor control.
We measure that LS gate have induced voltage when HS gate turn off. Please help to advise us how to improve in schematic as following, thanks.
CH1 : HS gate, CH2 : LS gate…
Part Number: LM5106
Hi, Support Team
our client use LM5106 for motor control, and we find output waveform is abnormal. Especially happen IC case around is 70deg.
abnormal waveform:
Normal waveform:
if any suggestion, Please…
Hi Jonghee,
The UCC21750 gate driver has a hybrid pull structure which is an NMOS and PMOS in parallel for pull up and NMOS for pull down. The pull up strength is not constant as it changes dynamically as the gate voltage increases. This FAQ provides…
Part Number: LM5106
I'm working on a PWM controlled voltage source using an LM5106 half-bridge MOSFET driver, with a PIC16F15324 supplying the PWM signal. This PWM signal has a frequency of 250 kHz, and a duty cycle step size of 1/128 = 31.25…
Hi Junichi,
Yes, it is likely that the period of under 0V is short enough that the internal component is not stressed too much; however, since this is outside of the datasheet specs we cannot guarantee survival of the device in these conditions.
Part Number: LM5106 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD19502Q5B , CSD Hi
I am trying to simulate the LTspice model of LM5106 , But i am getting the error after 2ms . It would be helpful if the corrected file is shared.
Part Number: LM5106 Hi, The LM5106 claims to be able to drive both Half Bridge and Synch Buck. LM5106 However, the strategy is different for…