Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Tool/software: Thus far, looking at the data sheets I cannot see a difference beyond the labeling , although I wonder if the the difference may be in the manufacturing ie performance tested vs guaranteed by design. Are you able…
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Tool/software: Dear team,
1. Would I know how to measure the phase margin of LM76002-Q1? 2. To measure phase margin, do we need any additional components in the circuit?
Some EVM user guide explain how to measure it, https://www…
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM76002 Tool/software: I want to simulate a buck converter circuit using LM76002 IC. Kindly provide an LTspice netlist if possible for the same.
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PSPICE-FOR-TI , LM76002 Tool/software: Hi,
I want to simulate a step down buck converter model and for that I need LM76002-Q1 its simulation model for Tina software.
Kindly do the needful.
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM76002EVM-500K Hi team,
For input 24V, output 12V, 0.1mA, what is the IC power consumption and efficiency in this application?
Thank you!
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Hello Team, not sure if this can be compared but in our datasheet we have:
VFB (min) = 0.987 V
VFB (typ) = 1.006 V
VFB (max) = 1.017 V
Chapter 6.9 there is a graphic which shows different values
VFB (min) = 1.0023 V
VFB (typ…
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Hello TI Colleagues,
Now we have a demo used LM76002-Q1, but we have a lot failure points during the CE test. According to the results, all the failure points are from the frequency doubling of DCDC switch frequency.
The details…
Part Number: LM76003-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM76002-Q1 , , LM5576 May I know does the Does the LM76003-Q1 and LM76002-Q1 pass ISO7637 test? Could you share the test report?
We would design in dashcam application. The input voltage may have…
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Hello Experts, I got inquiry to review customer schematic. Would you support it? If yes, I will send the schematic to you by e-mail. Best Regards, Fujiwara
Part Number: LM76002-Q1 Hello Experts, My customer would like to know the loop response of very low load current such as 10mA. I did Webench but Webench cannot simulate the loop response when Iload set less than 0.5A. Do you have any idea to simulate such…