Part Number: LMH0341 Hi,
We are not able to understand timing for RXCLK output from this IC for 270 Mbps mode of SDI. As per data sheet timing diagram Figure 3, it is 331 MHz. However. How this can be true for 270 Mbps mode with 5-bit parallel data? We…
Part Number: LMH0341 We're developing a new product based on LMH0341 for HD/3G-SDI applications.
Can you give me a full and complete timing diagram for the serial to parallel conversion of the serial SDI input stream to the LVDS parallel output stream…
Part Number: LMH0341 Hi,
I'm using the LMH0341. I'm not using the TXOUT pins. If I leave these pins idle, will there be a problem with the operation of the IC?
Part Number: LMH0341 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH0344 , LMH0340 Hi,
I am using LMH0340,0341 and LMH0344 . I need to determine impedance value for this component. When I read datasheeti, I saw that characteristic impedance of this differential signals…
Part Number: LMH0341 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH1297 , LMH1219 Hello,
I have some doubts about the power requirements of the LMH0341. According to the AN-2145 application note, it is recommended that Vripple be less than 10mVpp but in the LMH0341…
Part Number: LMH0341 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90CR286 , , AM5728 I want to interface LMH0341: 5D+1Clock LVDS as output with DS90CR286: 4D+1CLK as input
Aim is to process SDI video with AM5728 as:
SDI video -> LVDS -> RGB -> interface with AM5728…
Hi Logan,
The question if these devices are suitable refer to my application that I want to implement. Not the implication of setup and hold time.
Digging into Ti‘s site, I found the SDI chip LMH0340/LMH0341 or the LMH0397 that looks to be more fitting…
Suggestion is to use LMH0324 for the 3G equalizer.
Then deserializer you can consider either using FPGA or LMH0341. Please note LMH0341 requires or needs FPGA IP. At 3G, FPGAs are able to do de-serialization (i.e function of the LMH0341). You…
Part Number: LMH0340 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH0341 Tool/software: Please provide the IBIS models for the parts LMH0340, LMH0341 as we are getting error with the provided IBIS models mentioned below
LMH0340 DS32ELX0421 IBIS Model .
LMH0341 DS32ELX0124…