Part Number: LMR33630ARNXEVM Tool/software: Hi,
I am using the two of the LMR3360 in a design, both with 12V inputs. One is configured to generate 9V while the other is configured for -9V. I have a digital load on the 9V and I can draw 2.5A (only need…
Part Number: LMR33630ARNXEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR33630 , LMR33620 , LMR33610 Hi
I used LMR33630AQRNXTQ1 in my project. There are some questions when choosing inductance.
When I simulated DC / DC using TI's WEBENCH : Input 9-16v(typical 12V…
Thanks for the updated information, I think it's helped a bit, as the simulation does regulate to 5V when running a transient simulation. However, I still can't get a meaningful AC analysis of the circuit. I've setup the circuit with the intention…
Part Number: LMR33620 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR33630ARNXEVM , LMR33630CRNXEVM Hello,
I have a customer who is interested in using the LMR33620BRNX (1.4MHz) and is asking the following:
Their output is 5V @ 1A, Do we have any data on the temperature…
Part Number: LMR33630-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR33630 Hi Team,
There is a good new that we could DIN LMR33630-Q1!
I saw many of LMR33630 EVMs on the official website! Which one should I apply for LMR33630-Q1 EVM, thank you !
Part Number: LMR33620 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR33630ARNXEVM , , LMZM23600 , TPS560430 , TPS57140-Q1 Hi,
My customer used LMR33630ARNXEVM to modify for 3.3V/0.5A and 5V/0.5A design.
Customer reduces the output capacitance only used one 22uF because…