Part Number: LMR36506RREVM Hi,
Our customer has been measuring LMR36506RREVM and cant get to the efficiencies advertised on the Datasheet.
Blue point below are the measured points.
What do they need to do, to be able to measure the curve in the data sheet…
Part Number: LMR36506RREVM Hi Team,
A customer is looking for a DCDC to supply a motor at 3.3V. A drop to 3V is okay.
Vin = 3,3V..27V
Vout = 3,3V (3,0V)
Iout = 50mA
Iq < 20µA @ Vin < 3.7V (supply can be both from line at up to…
Part Number: LMR36506 Hi. I´m doing some Tests with the LMR3650RREVM and I have some questions. In the Datasheet of LMR36506 I found out that " Which mode the LMR36506 operates in, depends on which variant from this family is selected ". That…