Part Number: LMR43610-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR43610
Could you please help test the auto mode efficiency of LMR43610 of 12V Vin, 3.3V Vout, 1uA-1mA Load at 2.2MHz, many thanks.
Part Number: LMR43610-Q1 Hi Team,
LMR43610MSC3RPERQ1, Standby IQ(mA)
Q1: Test condition is VEN = 0V ?
Q2: Is 3.3V/Adjustable also applicable to this specification?
Thank you.
Part Number: LMR43610-Q1
Can you help me to review the Volvo Group BMS prototype board schematic?
They will use the LMR43610RS5QRPERQ1
Output current ~100-200 mA max
Besides the missing Vin 100nF input capacitor it looks ok?
Part Number: LMR43610-Q1 Hi Team,
Please help proide efficiency figure for part number :LMR43610MSC3RPERQ1,OUTPUT CURRENT :1A,OUTPUT VOLTAGE :3.3V Fixed /Adjustable,EXTERNAL SYNC :Yes (PFM/FPWM Selectable),FSW :Fixed 2.2 MHz,SPREAD SPECTRUM :Yes
Part Number: LMR43610-Q1 Hi, please could you check my schematic and layout? This is for a 5V output with 1A max (More likely to be 500mA)
/resized-image/__size/960x720/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/196/5V_5F00_3D.png - 3D
Part Number: LMR43610-Q1 The chip achieves an output voltage of 9V, when the input voltage is lower than 9V, what does the output voltage look like? Will it follow the decrease? What is the minimum no-drop time to be satisfied?
Part Number: LMR43610-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR43610 , Hi Team,
We considering use LMR43610RS5Q , could you kindly help with following questions?
Current: 20mA ~ 250mA variation
My Question:
Q1:How much current LMR43610RS5Q will…