Part Number: LMV1032 Hi Ti,
I am designing a microphone circuit with an electric condenser.
I wonder if electric condenser need a pre-amplifier to detect vibration.
The reason I have this question is that I think electric condenser can generate electric…
Part Number: LMV1032 Hello support-team,
We would like to add a special low-power audio monitoring function to a smartwatch.
The smartwatch already has a standard analog electret microphone which is connected to ADC connected to main CPU.
We want to add…
Part Number: LMV1032 The datasheet for the LMV1032 shows an output voltage of 600mV for the 25dB gain version of the pre-amplifier. Is this 600mV a DC bias voltage?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV1032
Hi team,
I see we have three versions of the LMV1032, providing different gains. Could you go over the advantages and disadvantages of using each of these (i.e. why would we not want a higher gain amplifier, what…
Are there any schedule by which EVM of LMV1032-25 and LMV1012-25 are released?
Although there was the same question also in 2012 (below URL), please let me know the latest information.…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV1012 Hello,
Since these parts are in such a small package, is there an EVM or option for evaluating this parts?
Part Number: ADS8329 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV1032 , OPA350 The datasheet for the ADS8329 states that the analog inputs need to be driven by op-amps. It doesn't give any sort of conditions or reasoning for the op-amps and all I have are assumptions…
Hello Rudy
Welcome to E2E, thanks for your interest in our products.
As you have mentioned one solution is to design the circuit yourself, but I'd recommend you to have a look to the LMV1012 and LMV1032, you could use them in the first stage of the circuit…